In noncanonical writings, Metatron is perhaps the greatest of all the heavenly hierarchs. The first of the ten archangels of the Briatic world. He has been called King of Angels, Prince of the Divine Face or Presence, Chancellor of Heaven, Angel of the Convent, Chief of the Ministering Angels, and the lesser YHWH, the Jewish name for the unspoken name of God.
One of the meanings of the name Metatron would be “He who occupies the throne next to the Divine throne”.
This interpretation may come from a combination of two Greek words, “meta” meaning “after”, and “thronos” meaning “throne”, literally “He who serves behind the throne”, which refers to Metatron being the closest angel to God.
Who Is Archangel Metatron?
Metatron is believed to hold the role of a celestial scribe, recording the deeds and events of both Heaven and Earth in the Akashic Records—the universal records of everything that has ever happened, is happening, and will happen. His energy is deeply tied to sacred knowledge, divine order, and cosmic harmony.
What sets Metatron apart from other archangels is his origin story. Unlike most archangels, who are pure celestial beings created by God, Metatron was once human. According to spiritual traditions, Metatron was the biblical prophet Enoch, a man known for his devotion to God and spiritual wisdom.
As a student of heavenly secrets and Divine wisdom, the wise prophet Enoch received “The Book of the Angel Raziel“, a sacred book about God’s workings.
It is said that Enoch lived such a righteous life that he was taken into Heaven without experiencing death and transformed into the archangel Metatron and placed in the seventh Heaven – the highest level of the Divine universe – to reside and work.
Metatron was also given 36 pairs of wings and innumerable eyes as he transformed into one of the most powerful archangels.
He was then given a similar mission in the higher realms as a celestial scribe to record everything that happens on Earth and keep it in the Akashic records, also known as the Book of Life.
The Prophet Enoch in the Bible was a physical incarnation of Archangel Metatron and the prophet Elijah, a physical incarnation of the angel Sandalphon. They are twin brothers and the only 2 of the 13 Archangels who’ve been human, so they’re known for having a special ability to relate to people who want to connect with them.
Invoking Archangel Metatron and using his white ray of brilliance brings unprecedented spiritual growth. He appears, when invoke, 'as a pillar of fire, his face more dazzling than the sun', dressed in a blue or violet robe with magenta layering.
In the Chronicles of Jerahmeel, Metatron was considered as mightier than either Michael or Gabriel. He is the light often seen by those who have had 'near-death experience'.
The Role of Archangel Metatron in Spiritual Growth
Archangel Metatron's energy is deeply linked to spiritual awakening, transformation, and ascension. As the keeper of divine knowledge, Metatron helps guide souls toward their higher purpose, helping us to break free from limiting beliefs, patterns, and blockages that may hinder our spiritual growth. He prepares the 'physical' third-dimensional chakras as corresponding states of awareness for spiritual enlightenment.
His presence can assist in clearing negative energies, aligning our spiritual bodies, and helping us to see the bigger picture of our soul's journey.
Metatron is a powerful archangel of immense Divine wisdom, operating as a bridge between Heaven and Earth, as he had both experiences as a human being and an angel.
According to the Kabbalah, Metatron was the one in charge of leading the Hebrews through the wilderness after they escaped from Egypt.
Today, Metatron is responsible for the well-being of mankind and he provides a direct connection to God to all human beings
Metatron’s Connection to Sacred Geometry
Sacred geometry is the foundation of the universe. From the spiral of a seashell to the symmetry of a flower, divine patterns shape all of creation. Archangel Metatron is often associated with these sacred patterns, especially Metatron’s Cube, which is a powerful geometric symbol of balance, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things.
Metatron revealed to humanity the Merkaba Star called Metatron’s Healing Cube or sometimes called the Metatron symbol. It’s a geometric, multidimensional form that is made of light, colour, sound, spiritual fire and frequency. 13 spheres of creation create the Merkaba star and unlock entire levels of understanding, healing, and experience. The nature of the cube is very multidimensional.
There’s an immense amount of knowledge and understanding you can receive through it.
Metatron’s cube holds the script of Creation, the secrets of the universe and the template for reality.
It can be used as a vehicle for multidimensional travel into the higher spheres.
Can be used as a 12D Archangel Metatron Protection Shield, It has powerful healing ability.
Visualize the Merkaba Star around you to bring healing to your entire being.
A 3-dimension cube used by the Archangel Metatron to watch over the flow of energy connecting Earth and the divine
Contains all 5 Platonic Solids hidden inside, symbolizing the underlying patterns of our universe
Spins with energy to help you replace negative thoughts with positive ones
Meditate on a picture of the Metatrons cube to help clear the pathways of psychic perception, clear and elevate your mind and raise the vibration of your thoughts.
This sacred geometry symbolizes the flow of divine energy in perfect harmony, reflecting the balance and unity of creation. The Metatron’s Cube is believed to hold the blueprint of creation and is often used in meditation to help clear negative energy, activate higher consciousness, and facilitate spiritual healing.
Metatron’s Cube, contains all the geometric shapes that make up the building blocks of matter in the universe—these are called the Platonic solids. These shapes represent the elements of fire, water, earth, air, and ether, symbolizing how Metatron governs and balances the spiritual energies of creation.
The cube spins clockwise and serves as a vehicle for the etheric body to move to other dimensions and other realms. Metatron’s cube is a brightly lit cube that is said to be made of angels and flashes of light and it uses centrifugal force to clear unwanted energy residue.
Metatron as the Archangel of Transformation
Metatron is known as a powerful ally in spiritual transformation. His energy can be intense, helping us to move through deep change and personal growth with clarity and purpose. If you're going through a major life shift, whether it's a career change, a relationship transition, or a spiritual awakening, calling upon Archangel Metatron can help you navigate the challenges and stay aligned with your soul's true path.
Metatron assists in clearing out old patterns, karmic debts, and past life energies that may be holding us back from reaching our full potential. His energy is direct and powerful, cutting through confusion and illuminating the truth. When working with Metatron, you may feel a heightened sense of clarity, motivation, and drive to pursue your spiritual purpose.
Metatron’s Connection to Children and Indigo Souls
Metatron is also closely associated with children, particularly Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children. These spiritually gifted children are believed to be highly sensitive and connected to higher realms of consciousness. Metatron works to protect and guide these souls, helping them understand their unique gifts and purpose on Earth.
If you're a parent or guardian of a spiritually gifted child, invoking Metatron's guidance can help you nurture their spiritual development. Metatron can offer protection, guidance, and wisdom to both children and adults, helping them navigate the challenges of living in a world that may not always understand or support their spiritual gifts.
How to Evoke Archangel Metatron
Evoke Archangel Metatron when you need clarity, transformation, or spiritual alignment. His energy is strong and direct, and connecting with him can bring about rapid shifts in your life. Below are simple yet powerful ways to call upon Metatron’s energy:
Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Light a candle and, if possible, use sacred geometry symbols like Metatron’s Cube or crystals such as clear quartz or selenite to help enhance the connection.
Set Your Intention: Focus on what you want assistance with—whether it’s clearing negative energy, gaining clarity in a situation, or healing. Archangel Metatron responds well to clear, specific intentions. Say something like: “Archangel Metatron, I call upon your presence and guidance. Please assist me in clearing old patterns and aligning with my highest path of light and truth. Help me to see clearly and transform what no longer serves me.”
Visualize Metatron’s Cube: Close your eyes and visualize Metatron’s Cube spinning above your crown chakra. As it spins, imagine it clearing and balancing your energy field, removing any blockages or negative energies.
Invoke Sacred Energy: You may feel a warm or tingling sensation as Metatron’s energy begins to work with you. Allow yourself to relax into this energy, knowing that you are safe, guided, and supported by divine forces.
Thank Archangel Metatron: Once you feel the energy settle or the guidance come through, thank Archangel Metatron for his assistance. You may want to journal any insights or messages you receive during your connection with him.
Affirmations to Connect with Archangel Metatron
Affirmations are powerful tools to align yourself with Archangel Metatron’s energy. Repeating affirmations allows you to focus your thoughts and intentions on receiving Metatron’s guidance and protection. Here are some affirmations you can use to strengthen your connection with him:
“I am aligned with the divine wisdom and guidance of Archangel Metatron.”
“I release all patterns, beliefs, and energies that no longer serve my highest good.”
“With Archangel Metatron’s help, I see clearly and embrace my soul’s true purpose.”
“I call upon the sacred energy of Metatron’s Cube to cleanse, heal, and elevate my spirit.”
“I trust in the transformation that Archangel Metatron is guiding me through.”
“I am connected to the divine flow of the universe, guided by Archangel Metatron’s light.”
“Archangel Metatron, help me embrace change and navigate my spiritual journey with clarity and grace.”
Signs Archangel Metatron Is With You
When you evoke Archangel Metatron, there are often clear signs that he is working with you. His presence can be powerful and transformative, and you may notice subtle or direct indications that he is nearby:
Geometric Symbols: You may start to see symbols like Metatron’s Cube or other sacred geometry in unexpected places. These are signs that Metatron’s energy is at work, helping you align with divine order.
Sudden Clarity or Insights: Metatron is known for providing clear, direct guidance. If you suddenly receive a strong insight or feel more clarity around a confusing situation, this could be a sign that Metatron is assisting you.
Purple or Violet Light: Archangel Metatron is often associated with the colors purple and violet, symbolizing higher spiritual realms and transformation. If you see flashes of these colours or feel drawn to them, it could be a sign of Metatron’s presence.
Feeling Energized or Motivated: Metatron’s energy is direct and can spark sudden motivation or drive to pursue your goals, especially in your spiritual life. You may feel a surge of energy or a strong desire to take action after connecting with him.
Number Sequences: Metatron is also connected to numerology, particularly the numbers 11:11, 222, or 333. These repeating numbers are often seen as signs of divine alignment and Metatron’s presence in your life.
Metatron’s Role in Humanity’s Ascension
Archangel Metatron plays a vital role in helping humanity ascend to higher levels of consciousness. In this time of spiritual awakening, Metatron assists those who are on a path of enlightenment, helping them to clear karmic ties, raise their vibration, and embody their true divine nature. As the angel of ascension, Metatron helps us move beyond the limitations of the material world and into higher states of awareness.
His presence is especially helpful during times of planetary shifts or personal transformation. By working with Metatron, we can connect to the greater cosmic plan and align our personal evolution with the divine blueprint of creation.
Metatron is not only focused on serving humanity in the ascension
process but also in creating heaven on Earth. One of the ways he does this is supporting us in accessing our Divine “I Am” Presence through the Ascension Pillar of Light.
The Ascension Pillar is a core of light at the center of your being that expands around you. It anchors you to the crystalline core of Earth below, and flows up through your open heart, up along the center of your being, out crown at the top of your head connecting you to the Source of All That Is. Metatron is available to help you activate it through a top down initiation.
Conclusion: Embrace the Light of Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is a powerful and wise guide for those on a spiritual path. His energy helps us to release old patterns, step into our true purpose, and align with the divine order of the universe. Whether you're seeking clarity, spiritual transformation, or deeper connection with your soul, Metatron’s presence can guide you through profound shifts and help you embrace your highest potential.
By calling upon Metatron through meditation, sacred geometry, or simple affirmations, you can begin to experience the transformative power of this celestial being in your life. As you continue to walk your spiritual journey, remember that Metatron is always available to assist you with wisdom, light, and divine love. 🌟✨
